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1 12

Good Babies 🐶👦🏻🐶

I’m late but here I am~🌚
I lost count how many times I watched the video. Ah~ I missed my dogs too…


1002 2242


Just Papa Vachirawit spending his time with his precious Ame

334 936

Bad Girls 🐶🐱

any tips in training your pets?

My pet dog used to bite our shoes, then my dad hung the shoes around his neck and since then he doesn’t bite anymore.


847 2129

Leisure Time 🐶🐶🐶🐱

Charlotte came over to play with the Twins~
And Ame is having a nap with her daddy Baii

895 2469

And Mr Vachirawit just being Vachirawit…

Sending my prayers to everyone there🙏🏻

353 983


Papa Win had an important presentation and Bentley was still sleeping, so he had to ask Mick to babysit, while he brings Cartier to work(Mama Godji is their godmother)


610 1731

Here’s what Papa Win and Papa Bright do for a living.

Did you guess it correctly?

*not very sure about the awards and stuff, I only googled it..🙊

230 829

It’s so hard to capture a photograph of the energetic twins and sassy princess.
But worry not, Petite has the skill~ 😎

689 1763

Family Portrait

Not sure how frequent I’ll update this story cuz I want to focus on the project I’ve been doing.

All these characters are purely imaginative.

1622 3714

Thank you to the now 4000 followers of this account!
To celebrate I'll be posting with their corresponding
These 1st ones are from ep24-cut2

103 435

Thank you to the now 3500+ followers of this account!
To 🥂 I'll be posting cells, & rare pre-prod drawings over the next few days.
This is a cell taken from epi. 7, cut 305

86 458

To celebrate the now 3000+ followers of this account, I dug up for you a beautiful animation drawing from episode 25🙂
Thanks again for your support!

83 456