Good morning guys ! ☀️

🎶 "Saturday morning, Friday's enemy"
It has never been so true for me today 🔨#AboutLastNight

What's your magic solution for a holy hungover ?

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Un truc que j'adore avec les IA text to image, c'est d'essayer de recréer ses rêves. Tu peux te constituer un book de tes rêves au fur et à mesure.

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今回も 最高でした!🙌🙌🙌

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Bonjour mademoiselle! Sorry fell asleep ~ too tired! Thanks for replying ~ this gif-t for you 💝

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Cast members and director and producers at the world premiere for at . Thank you to everyone far and wide, we really felt your love for us.

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"Dispatch be on the look out for a Super Saiyan that's out here in NYC wylin'"

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My hair held its curl for about an hour then fell back to its usual boring straight self 😒

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Even though I slept till 11:30, the dish fairy still hasn't arrived.

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