My target demographic for the book is 9 year olds, so...

Here is as a Goblin.

1 24

Holy butts friends!!! It's getting to crunch time!
We hit the $20'000 flex! So the One-Shot Campaign Boblin's Brawl'n'Beatdown PDF!

Kickstarter Page


4 19

Finale of people I look up to!

Day 14 is !!
Dunkey has been making me laugh for years. He can take a game I don't understand and still make a video I feel I can be apart of and enjoy. Great job Dunkey.

5 37

One more day!

Day 13 is !
Matthew Mercer is why I love dming, period. I was so anxious to begin to even tell a story at all, or take D&D in my own hands, and he unknowingly said, it's okay. You got this. Thank you.

13 91

2 more days of my heroes!

Day 12 is and and !
Incredibly gifted musical troupe, comedy team, holy what more could you ask for? Love these dudes.

13 45

More my heroes!

Day 11 is !
If you've never heard of him you have heard his music. He's an incredible composer, hilarious guy, and if we get backed, I'll beg him to make an intro song. 😂

12 80

More people I look up to!

Day 10 is !

He's instrumental in the D&D community, constantly providing incredible content and holy if you want a GM to aspire to. Chris Perkins.

5 61

I know I missed yesterday for people I look up to, so I'm posting 2 at once!

Day 8 is and Day 9 is !
I'm a massive fan of both of their work, their such wholesome and funny fellas!

7 40

We still Goblinizin'! Now for more folks in our lovely community!

Day 7 is !
She's so g dang talented, amazing singer, voice acting powerhouse. She's hilarious and also has made me cry my eyes out. How even.

7 44

Continuing to people I look up to!

Day 6 is !
I don't know if you've ever heard of this guy, but if you have he's some Canadian who sells American Gin. Idk, not much else to him I think.

7 39

folks I look up toOOoo!

Day 5) !
His comics on reddit are a great way to start the day, especially his gaming content. He knows how to make a relatable comic, and his edits show he loves his readers!

2 31

Wanna win a copy of a Boblin's tale? 5 Luck winners who draw this in their style will be chosen to win a Softcover copy of A Boblin's Tale! To enter, make sure you use the tags: 

Winner will be announced November 9th!

3 17

Here is the first glimpse at a Boblin’s Tale! It’s an amazing feeling, under one week over 20% of the Kickstarter is funded. 

11 39 

Holy actual Butts, It’s real. I am so thrilled to announce that the Kickstarter for A Boblin’s Tale has been launched! Thank you to everyone for your amazing love and encouragement through this process!

13 35