画質 高画質

This is an extreme example of what happens when you leave it to AI. I studied at an art university in Japan and have been proud to be an artist for many years. My pride will not allow me to say that this is a painting drawn by AI.

0 3

Astra Yao, you are breathtaking! 😍
I made this fanart of Astra for the contest going rn, there is also my wip because rules don't want AI.
Enjoy! :D

275 2682


-転載.使用.AI使用禁止- Prohibited to repost and use for AI.


2 35

Samurai... Ninja Kayo?

6 34



"Oni-Kuma Dōji" inspired by Setsubun.
I depicted the harshness of winter through a bear-like oni. The name comes from a mythical bear yokai.

29 168


-転載.使用.AI使用禁止- Prohibited to repost and use for AI.


6 49

Decided to do some studying on japanese techniques for my art. Ended up doing a revision of Dr.Bai.

She looks much better now.

8 83


Prohibited to repost and use for AI.

5 67

About my recent Vocaloid post.

(リメイク) is a 3D rendered image processed by AI.
(過去絵) are 3D rendered images as they are.

0 7

About my recent Vocaloid post.

(リメイク) is a 3D rendered image processed by AI.
(過去絵) are 3D rendered images as they are.

I responded to a question from an overseas visitor.

11 60


5 58

please be aware when you are retweeting art bc I saw this on my timeline a few times and noticed that it was a reposting daily account

but its also reposting ai. A double whammy of suck

4 57

秋葉原で話題の新店、DJ&CREATORS BAR "IV AKIHABARA"にて新規東方DJパーティ開催!

TH-909 PTN.1

2025/1/18 (Sat) 15:00-21:00
入場料 2000円 (1ドリンク込み)

DJs: Amane Oikawa / 和泉幸奇 / YaG / Nin / sai.ko /Yah

42 83

Thanks ehebai....!!!!😭🫶💙💙💙💙💙💙
I was surprised to see that you have become an awesome celebrity without even knowing it....!!🥹✨✨✨
I hope to continue to be the best of friends with you...!!!🥹🫂🫂

Have a great Christmas....!!!☺️👍💙💙

2 5

Art! Alhamdulillah udah libur panjangg gesss, akhirnya bisa santai. ada yang mau berk-☁️?

2 87

12/30 C105冬コミ(2日目)
東ア17b【STRIKE HOLE】様の新刊表紙イラストを描かせていただきました!


6 21