Lost at the Fair (continued)

(It all ends happily)
🧵 2/2

16 283

Ladybird book pictures on request.
Lost at the Fair, 1948

71 785

‘Five Little Kittens’ (1955)

58 795

Ladybird book pictures on request.
‘Smoke and Fluff’

49 504

Now for a rather poignant moment from
‘Lost at the Fair’ (1948)

15 138

Next we have an everyday tale of two penguins and a motorbike:
‘The First Day of the Holidays’ (1940)

15 67

Next we have a request for Bunnikins Picnic Party - which was the first ever classic ladybird book to be published, in 1940

39 332

I’ve had so many requests for illustrations by Angusine Macgregor that I’ve decided to combine them into a thread.
Let’s start with Piggly Plays Truant (1946)

34 254

Ladybird book pictures on request.
‘Smoke and Fluff’

45 409

Ladybird book pictures on request.
Bunney-Fluff’s Moving Day

19 150

Ladybird book pictures on request.
‘Lost at the Fair’

41 288

Since today is today’s book in the spotlight is ‘The Green Umbrella’

47 280

Ladybird book in the spotlight, part 6.
Today it has to be ‘The First Day of The Holidays’

32 175

Ladybird advent calendar, window 13. Shopping in the snow

49 80