Thats it for my review with him. To me Masachika is mixture of good and anti-hero because he prefers to work in the shadow but while he helps and show his potential he shines more. That's why to me he is the best MC ever. He earn 10/10 and 1st gold meal.😎🥇

0 0

Having Shadow Evil again is not a smart move because I am sensing Vegeta becomes Evil again as Majin Deja vu. 💀👎
Have Shadow stays as Anti-hero as always because its suit him better. He is like the Shadow who watch them and protects them.
Having Chao garden back IS BETTER!😁👍

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(18/4) As I mentioned before, will he made Shadow the true amazing anti-hero. I wanted to see how his way will fit Shadow for real. David Humphrey & Jason Griffith are still my all time favorite because they made Shadow as the mystery character!😎

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have some AU concept
like an au that set on cyberpunk theme where the SC is an anti-hero group that fight againts utopias propaganda

Might be an au that contain lots of disturbing content

76 1022


Even though about 70% of the people grew up with pricure, I would not have lived without him. Zorori is my Best Anti-Hero

2 25

will the new superman cartoon feature other superheroes and can it be booster gold. please. their beef was always hilarious to me i want to see clark getting uncharacteristically really mad at another hero that isnt even an anti-hero

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Anti-Hero (Gusstelier's Version)

30 142

A Special Thank You to the Knights of Brush & Palette's first ever CELEBRITY QUEST GIVER - Mr. Dennis Beauvais. He set us on the hunt for Vampires this week and selected our hero/anti-hero? image.

I am honoring his contribution to our fun this week with a 🤿 ≋≋≋≋≋ ƎΛIᗡ…

1 8

White Canary could've been the big bad of the book and that would definitely cement Lady Shiva as an anti-hero.

0 2

Got a headcanon for these two?

They're alternate versions of Delgado and Dolly from a dark realm in the multiverse. Speed Demon is an anti-hero speedster struggling with guilt over his murder of Cruella De Vil and his failure to save his family, as well as-

11 26

A minor character from my story, This is Favenier's (one of my anti-hero's) best friend and possible BF. He is a diplomat from another tribe of Beastmen.

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