Shane Forde, our final player, quit his job so he could attend the 6 Nations.

That’s not a joke - he genuinely walked out for the sake of toy soldiers!

However he’s bringing a Tzeentch army, so he’s breaking out about even.

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Will, our 7th player, has been feverishly painting Daughters of Khaine for the event. He’s done in-depth “research” to get the right tone of skin and look of leather for the “army”.

We managed to talk him out of wearing the corset during games

Just about!

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Our fifth player, Dave Smyth, is transitioning from the toxicity of internet fandoms to the toxicity of the tabletop! (along with an unhealthy level of sweating)

Dave is ready and willing to spread nurgle’s joy (and his opinions) to his opponents!

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