Weiter Commission Fertig! Es Gibt natürlich auch eine 2te Seite, aber die kann ich euch hier nicht zeigen ;-)

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& Commission geht voran. 😚
Bin bis jetzt sehr zufrieden.

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Commission Work in Progress!
und zusammen auf einem Daki.
Mal ein sehr spannendes Projekt 😚
Danke, dass ich sowas tolles machen darf. 💝

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idk how much of a hot take this is but LB5 Atlantis > Olympus

The New Argo team just gelled together so well

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That one couple meme, genius idea 💓
Lana Del Rey gf x Mars Argo gf

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La nave Argo.
Tyler Miles Lockett.

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Been playing Starbound, and missing my Novakid boy Argo, and 's Floran Dyanth, whom Argo affectionately refers to as "DYIEEANN" like with a heavy southern shout to it... art by me!

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More Characters From Disney/SEGA‘s Joe Kype (2023-)

1. Lucio Duck

2. Argo Parker

3. Oil Can Willy

& 4. Lana Pyramid (AKA: Lana the Mysterious)

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From Argo to Earth.
Happy Supergirl Anniversary.

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Kizmel (adding one)

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anotem o que tô dizendo... a Argo será a Deusa Lunaria, no próprio trailer ela supostamente aparece vindo dos céus, além dessa ilustração está censurando a parte inferior da direita, cobrindo o personagem que estaria ali.

(Se eu errar, usarei um Icon do Sugou por uma semana.)

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Se você olhar com atenção, na parte inferior direita, a imagem está tampada.

E no trailer dá a entender que a Argo aparece no vindo do céu. Ou seja, Lunaria.

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Pinned tweet time!🦦🦦🦦

Hello! I'm Argo and welcome to my lewd side~!
- DM friendly, love talking to new people!
- In an open relationship with
- Feel free to flirt but keep in mind, I'm taken
- Agonophile🥊
- Sniff my pits, nerd
- Undies enthusiast

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This is the second series of Argo paintings. Stay tuned for the rest of the works in the near future.

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