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@KWSnet RT
The Cathy Wilcox @cathywilcox1
Cathy Wilcox: https://t.co/VAJlrEGOeO
The Sydney Morning Herald: https://t.co/B3Rrl6VexJ
🔸 'Slogan the Aukus!,' 16 Mar 2023. Cathy Wilcox, The Sydney Morning Herald.
Outstanding commentary from @FionaKatauskas. #auspol #CostOfLivingCrisis #AUKUS
Anda el #humor de #prensa bastante rockero
Los Ramones en la viñeta de hoy @Pachi_Idigoras
más doblete de imitadores de Angus Young en la tira de Pablo García @lanuevaespana 7/3 y @davpope 🇦🇺 #AUKUS
¿Opiniones a favor de que #JoeBiden va de arrebato de melena de Dave Mustaine?
Aukusti Uotila, Landscape - Wiasholmen in the Pelling Islands, 19?? #finnishnationalgallery #finngallery https://t.co/VDPb30i2Qg
WTRPG12 ハイブリッドヘブン
『WTRPG』(C) <ちーせん>/フロンティアワークス
#aph #aphengland #aphbritain #aphuk #hetalia
#hetaliaengland #hetaliabritain #hetaliauk #aphamerica #aphusa #hetaliaamerica #hetaliausa #usuk #ukus #aphusuk #aphukus #hetaliausuk #hetaliaukus
🔴[EN DIRECT] sur @franceculture
En partenariat avec @CartooningPeace, Margaux Leridon (@LeridonM) nous parle du dessin de CHAUNU (@EmmanuelChaunu) #AUKUS #Biden #Macron 🇫🇷🇺🇸
A retrouver sur la page de Cultures Monde : https://t.co/83FVfLJxRa
#BorisJohnson ha vuelto a interpretar el escualo del cartel de 'Tiburón' (Jaws, 1975):
ahora para Anthony Garner #AUKUS con #Macron
el 7/8/14 para @BrookesTimes con #Cameron
➕#humor de #Cine / #Cinema #cartoon #cartoons
The Jaws movie poster is a cartooning evergreen when it comes to parody. Nice caricature of Boris, by Ant. More AUKUS cartoons in our collection: https://t.co/r5Vp5Uyyjc
#AUKUS #France #Macron #UK #BorisJohnson
Our latest cartoon collection is about AUKUS and the diplomatic row between France and Australia: https://t.co/r5Vp5UgWUC
This cartoon by @nielsbobojesen
#AUKUS #submarines #Australia #France #UK #USA
Brighty on the #Aukus military pact #BorisJohnson #EmanuelMacron #NuclearSubmarines #SausageWars - political cartoon gallery in London https://t.co/dePcTdnXF6
Morten Morland on the #Aukus military pact #Australia #EmanuelMacron #NuclearSubmarines #NuclearProliferation #ColdWar #China - political cartoon gallery in London https://t.co/dePcTdnXF6
Brian Adcock on the #Aukus military pact #Australia #EmanuelMacron #NuclearSubmarines #BorisJohnson #ScottMorrison #NuclearProliferation #ColdWar #China - political cartoon gallery in London https://t.co/dePcTdnXF6
Bob Moran on the #Aukus military pact #Australia #EmanuelMacron #NuclearSubmarines #NuclearProliferation #ColdWar #China - political cartoon gallery in London https://t.co/dePcTdnXF6
The #AUKUS alliance torpedoed a multibillion-dollar deal France signed with Australia.
France in response canceled a reception it was hosting to mark the 240th anniversary of the crucial Battle of the Capes, in which France actually helped the U.S. to win against Britain...