Kinda got the art block so I'm not really happy with this but had to do at least a lil something for We are HERE, we are REAL and we are VALID!

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Aaaa, I just found out late that it's I get anxious about posting them late or just scared to post stuff about myself. And I also found out it's International Animation Day. Go give love to your favorite animators. And your favorite shows and films too. 🐥💜

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Gonna say it again,
Happy No matter what you're going through, or even how your body behaves.
* A phone guesses what flags fit.

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Happy Allow me to share some of my ace art I've made of some OC's and Essek from Critical Role.

Finding out what ace was was a huge relief for me. Made me realize I'm normal and not weird for not wanting to bang everybody in high school. I'm proud to be ace 💜🖤

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VFX Supervisor Mark Gee shares his incredible astrophotography. These images were taken across New Zealand on a Nikon D850 camera with a variety of lenses, and showcase our view of the Milky Way and stars that surround us. Happy

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It looks like it is I am working on a little personal comic hopefully I will be able to finish before the week is over.

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Quick flower art while I'm working on something bigger for Both asexual and aromantic wallpapers are free for personal use.
Irises are symbols of wisdom, hope and trust. They also represent victory and power.

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Whether you’re nurturing an astronomer, astronaut, philosopher, or dreamer, there are plenty of picture books to explore during Here are a few suggestions.

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