For my twitter background (⁠=⁠`⁠ェ⁠´⁠=⁠) orphy and nightmare in adaemil costumes

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Happy Belated White Day! Have some Adaemil pfps

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Im reposting this bc eberything on my tl is reposted adaemil art and i want to be included ☹️😒

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More of my modern AU art- This time its Ada and Emil being all cute together ♥

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adaemil for pau, bc they drew komaeda for me 😋😋😋

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4. AdaEmile grrrr I have a crush when they released.Both designs are so good, the character writings are top-notch, and they are super fun to play together. And idk why but I shift into manga-tone grayish persona when it come to them. I want to draw many strip for them but I lazy

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