She didn’t find them.
no. 11
Feels so good to add some animals in these pages. Human forms are my biggest challenge, and kids are the toughest humans for me to draw. Animals are so simple by comparison.

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Ada was surprised, but she decided to search for more pleasant friends in this new world.
no. 10
Got pretty behind last week, but I’m hoping to get caught up. We shall see... How is everyone’s Inktober going?

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“Who are you calling little?” replied the pixie, as she kicked Ada in the shin and stormed off.
no. 9
Inspired by an altercation between me and my babysitter when I was three. I had a tendency to be, uh, fiery.

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Ada loved to adventure safely from her favorite armchair with a good book.
no. 2
One page down, 29 to go. (I misspelled the hashtag yesterday. This is the correct one. 😳)

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