You know you are in front of a tough guy when he gives you this look 👀 so I tried to give this cool aspect for the last color cover I made for ✍️

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Time for a little 🔙 here’s one of the first cover designs I made for some years ago 💭 vs one of the last redesigns of both characters: and ✍️it’s been a few years and it feels like yesterday I drew it...

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I really like this first shot of from ⚔️because is the kind if drawings that I enjoy to make: with time, a lot of effort and also a strong bond with your character 🙌🏻

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The face of a warrior ⚔️ This illustration of was made for the cover of ‘the war without name’ and I wanted to show how tough and fierce he is 💪🏻

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“...Tenía que centrarse en la misión o acabaría perdiendo la cabeza. ¿Acaso Adriem sólo había sido un sueño? ¿O su memoria volvía a fallarle? No sabía qué temía más: recordar quién había sido u olvidar lo que era ahora...”

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A gentle look from (even I could say he’s about to smile!)
Tough guy isn’t he?

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Adriem Kharid de os da las buenas noches..

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