Day 12 of is to everyone involved with . A space I find support, learning, laughs, ideas and helpful challenge. I am so grateful it happens and it is full of kind and caring people. A special thank you goes to my co-founder x

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Day 10 is about my mom who raised me on her own - Her strength, intelligence and courage always inspired me to go after anything I wanted in life. Thank you mom 🌻

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day 7; you helped me find a way to pull together my torrent and my tremor; my melody and my savagery. Fulfilling my wildest dreams when I was asked to perform in Paris in homage to the great man himself...

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Day 5 goes to the animals over the years some call pets, who I call family. Their love, loyalty, energy are gifts I could not buy. Without them my world would be less rich

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Day3 goes out to the amazing people working tirelessly in Would not be here without you ❤️

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So day 2 of & a shout out to Great shares and their monthly calendars help us share compassion, kindness and common goals ❤️👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋

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