Goodnight fam.

In exploring dreams, mine have always been extravagant and adventurous. But sometimes they are deeply personal in the subconscious.

I try to be reasonable, but I know they reveal the truth. That said, I love you all; even those that don’t love me. Best wishes.

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Oh, I am adventurous. I travel to far-off lands with heroic companions from the comfort of my chair.📚

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🐉Princess Aerea Targaryen💎

“…the girl who returned to King’s Landing proved to be lively, quick-witted, and adventurous.”

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"If you travel without your official beacon and you have a good eye, you could find some extra-official ground facilities designed for the less fortunate and the most adventurous. 24/7 signs everywhere, tis facilities worked like space stations and each …

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Go places. Meet people. Get adventurous. (And if you can’t there’s always Toonsutra. We will meet all your travel and adventure needs. Oh and people too, we’ve got some cool cats in the house. 😉)

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25: Adventure

"she's so brave and adventurous..."

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I am your waiter today at this café. I hope to serve you the best drinks and food to you but on the side I feel a little adventurous. I would love to see what you do with this hehe

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I've got a couple right here, which I hope doesn't make me cheat the system a bit. 😅 This is my super genius married couple, Ibis & Avalon MacVillion. You can draw whoever you feel more comfortable with... or both, if you feel adventurous. 😊👍

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On my easel today, a couple of watercolours, a bit bold, but just loved being a bit adventurous. ❤️😘

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i will throw (rather violently) at you the best blorbos, my whole soul.
their relationship could be described as smitten but yet flirty and sexy, very adventurous. they're soulmates that complete each other!!

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Did Peachtober Day 5!! And my hamster looks so adventurous. No fear behind her eyes, she’s out to hunt for berries.
She is Mora, the berry hunter 🤎

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Oh my gosh! Your art is LOVELY!! 💖And there are so many beautiful OCs 😭 This is Nina, my incredibly spunky half-tabaxi dancer. She's sassy, flirty, and adventurous. 🎨 by duckydrawsart and teallinum on tumblr! 🖤💜

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Broken Hope NEW STORY:

Boost Sonic was just taking a Nice stroll and usually being adventurous. Until out of nowhere, gets a message from Renan (). That everyone just wants to speak to him. He felt a little suspicious about this, but then he remembered something...

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Little playful, little mischievous and extremely adventurous. We can see why 𝗥𝘂𝗲 has captured the hearts of all the boys in tunnel town.

Being so brave and courageous means nothing can 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 stop her (apart from heights) 🍃

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This is Jay. Our daughter's OG Alpha Girl Club.

Her fearless spirit is like a tigress roaming the wild. She's curious and adventurous. Her "cat loving many lives luck" has saved her more than once. She's young... but she's lived.

The cosmos aligned galactic plans for her✨

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TEQUILA600 drop event is over. 8 collectors got their bottle of booze and are ready to kick off their Monday! 🌞🍋🌵🍸🇲🇽

Shoutout to the Legends:


Thank you! 🖤

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You know it interesting to compare one of my oldest with my newest. I used to always draw in an anime style and hated drawing my glasses (still do sometimes). Compared to now I've grown into my own style and I've become a little more adventurous.

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7. Ember! 🔥

Ember is a Winged Sciurus (closed species by Omnom) & she's quite clumsy, but joyful and adventurous.
She's into fire magic and likes green tea.

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