Detail of Agamemnon, from Minerva Restraining Achilles from Killing Agamemnon, 1757

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Jacques-Louis David, the artist who painted that one really famous picture of Napoleon on the horse (you know the one) also painted a lot of scenes from the Iliad, including a body study titled Patroclus… also the funeral games, Achilles nearly killing Agamemnon, Helen & Paris…

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Unidentified Artist, Quarrel of Achilles and Agamemnon, 19th century

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Detail of Agamemnon, from Minerva Restraining Achilles from Killing Agamemnon, 1757

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Detail of Agamemnon, from Minerva Restraining Achilles from Killing Agamemnon, 1757

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As a remain voter not sure Trafalgar anniversary is p.c. but 16 British ships (see lamp-posts along The Mall) had classical names-Neptune, Agamemnon, Ajax, Orion, Minotaur, Spartiate, Mars, Bellerophon, Colossus, Achille, Polyphemus, Euryalus, Naiad, Phoebe, Sirius, Britannia)

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Mighty Agamemnon, who protects and defends his Clit-em-nestra.

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Agamemnon, Great King of the Achaeans, wounded withdraws from the battle with the Trojans
Artwork by Christos Yannopoulos

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Lost myself , my 1st visit, spent 5 hrs there, missed lunch, and only left to catch a train. Art exhaustion is real, but it's my fave way to burn. Detail, Pierre-Narcisse Guérin, Clytemnestra Hesitating before Stabbing the Sleeping Agamemnon, ~1817.

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