Today is the Twenty Ninth day of It's such a shame that tomorrow is the last day. I hope everyone had fun.

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Today is the Twenty Sixth day of We're running out of days to celebrate. Let's enjoy them while they last.

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Today is the Twenty Third day of Hey.. Rumor has it we're almost all the way through the month. Let's make the rest of the time great.

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Today is the twenty second day of Here's hoping all of you are getting a proper night's rest. Sleep is important you know.

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Today is the nineteenth day of Remember to call those you care about. I'm sure they'd love to hear from you.

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Today is the eighteenth day of Remember: As it gets warmer and warmer, be on the look out for ticks. Not only do they suck, but they can cause all sorts of diseases, and not just Lyme disease.

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Today is the fifteenth day of Crazy to think we're already halfway through already.

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Today is the thirteenth day of I hope you've all been taking your notes and paying attention. Today we're having a pop quiz!

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Today is the Tenth Day of Hm. Seems as though I am forgetting something, I'm sure it's no big deal though.

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To think it's already the seventh day of Sooner or later, everyone will be celebrating!

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Today is the sixth day of Isn't it amazing how we've been doing this for three years now?

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Now I know it's hard to believe this, but trust me on this alright? Today is actually the fifth day of Don't freak out or anything, since I know how important such a statement is, but remain calm.

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Did you know that today is the fourth day of Well now you know, and don't you forget it!

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is one of my favorite times of the year, of course is also great. I guess it's better for me to confess that I think Agiri is great.

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I'm not sure what will happen when comes to an end this year, but I do know that I will not stop posting pictures of cute ninjas.

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We might be approaching the end of but that doesn't mean we have to stop celebrating!

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We're nearing the end of But do not forget, though it might no longer be April, Agiri will always be with you.

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Today's a low energy edition of You know what is a close second to how much I love my wife? How much I love the planet. So on top today being the twenty-second day of it's also This planet has given us Agiri, that means it must be good.

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You know what I love about No matter who you are, you can celebrate easily! Just embrace Agiri into your lives and you'll be much happier.

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For today's edition of Allow me to remind you how important it is to take baths. Yes, even stinky dolls need to take baths.

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