So I designed a new OC for a rp with one of my friends. Their name is Reese. And if it weren't for their agoraphobia, he would've defeated God in hand to hand combat by now.

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Bi artist father here who working two jobs as the sole provider of a family dealing with epilepsy, high functioning autism, low functioning autism, depression, anxiety, pernicious anemic b12 deficiency, panic agoraphobia, scoliosis.
I'm too tired to be funny, please hire me.

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just passed Athazagoraphobia, time to wait for the Sticky cover

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I think this was from around 2014-2015! I loved Lapis a lot bc I related to her feeling trapped/isolated due to my intense agoraphobia, though not quite at the same situation she was in lmao. Steven Universe was my comfort show for a while (I kidna wanna rewatch it now,,,,)

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The Drake Mod is a Lo-fi/Hip Hop based Mod that I came up with. I had this idea for a character who suffered through PTSD and Athazagoraphobia, but also had a large passion for Singing. After that, I gave him a design, and so Drake was born!

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Phobiatober days 1, 2, 3, & 4: taphophobia, noscomephobia, athazagoraphobia, & spectrophobia

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// January vs September

January: 3 month manic ep, on new meds, single, heartbreak, bad agoraphobia, struggling with self

September: Medicated, been through some shit, going through shit, less agoraphobia , in relationship, somehow happier with self.

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Warm up for today because I am going to be doing a LOT of drawing, both commissions and for my game. Queen of the Void, Athazagoraphobia, and how she'll appear in DE1!

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Hey ! I'm Zoe a 21 y-o french artist. I suffer from agoraphobia, basically i've been confined by my own mind for almost 4 years 🤡
I used all this time to learn by myself how to draw things and I start to really enjoy my art. I'm all about colors and cuteness 😊

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Despite agoraphobia, I do very much miss Actually, I was planning NOT to do artist's alley this year so I could enjoy the con for once. There's a lot of friends that I miss hanging out with and lots more that I would love to meet. For now 💕I'll keep the art coming 💕

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