💫✨we are giving away a CowTownNFT and AIpudgys!
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✨Let's MOOOOOOve✨

39 45

Gem Sweep! 50 AIPudgys bought for 0.42304 ETH https://t.co/66yWgYKwhY

0 5

AIP ❌ Pudgy Penguin Yacht Club

1 AIP 🎁

1 Pudgy Yacht Club 🎁

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24 Hours


42 61

Hero & Villain for this Saturday from vs. PudgyMan in the Cyber Vibe and Carpman in the Steam Vibe. Zoom in for amazing details

8 17

Having too much fun animating these

6 8

Posting a rare and beautiful in the Wonderland Vibe. egg and are its's rare traits in - the wonderland vibe AI adds beautiful clouds, foliage and amazing architecture

3 4

Hey and today is Show Your Fro day on twitter (I just made it up) in comments or quote retweet. Let's show twitter how fly these fros are!

6 16

Gem Sweep! 16 AIPudgys bought for 0.063 ETH https://t.co/TllQAikOvC

0 2

snipes with the ETH dust in my wallets. Floor is still a great entry level .004 mostly - but it will start the slow organic climb as the last of the degen minters drop off. Join us for amazing art, hard working founders and an art loving community.

7 14

A little snipe with what remains in my wallet. Floral vibe with a gold fish - nice, rare and super beautiful.

7 15

Gem Sweep! 20 AIPudgys bought for 0.1002 ETH https://t.co/EXQ8ijuFTa

0 1

Gem Sweep! 31 AIPudgys bought for 0.1431 ETH https://t.co/9Paou9MOKz

0 2

I minted a golden egg Yahoo LFG!

6 14

Time to give something back to my PudgyPenguinFam ❤️🐧❤️


5 to 5 real Hodler

1. RT
4. Tag one real Hodler

48h from now, good luck ❤️👊

38 63

is MINTING NOW- We minted ours, have you?
The community has been offered x5 AiPudgy
MINT SITE: https://t.co/CPZDkWJPCo
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Will check to verify winners on 9.12.22

20 32