Art Feature: Balalaika, by !

Digital highres image ($4, with NSFW content):

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I love his voice both Thai old ver. and Japanese ver. when he command Bakusaika,so deep and smooth🫠

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The second batch of pin designs and this time its Mika, Maika, Veronica and Wolfie!

You can grab these Kitty and Company: Cheebs on April 1st on Kickstarter!
Im extremely excited to begin this kickstarter and for you to have the change to grab these pins!

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I keep forgetting to post art
Anywho here’s hypothetical Palismen for Laika, Raine, and Darius (Bell is actually from @/nollorsel, check em out!)

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Vitari are a race of alien warriors who worship Death and destroy planets to eliminate weakness from thr universe. Aika, once one of the proud warriors, chose to oppose her people and leads a revolution to stop the illogical slaughter of others. Her boyfriend got her that shirt.

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My Comet, Stellar Pup oil painting for Magic the Gathering's Unfinity set. This was a challenging piece for me because of detailed elements, like that Astrotorium space park. Comet is a mutt and based on Laika, the first dog in space

See how I painted it:

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Les presento a mi gran familia 🐈
Empezar a salir con Mac significó que sus hijos ahora son mis hijos también, así que quise dibujarlos a todos. En el dibujo podemos ver a Dalí, Sushi, Suga, Choclo, Peluche, Sasha, Cachipún, Kevin, Mateo, Gollum, Naika, Ramón y Tita.

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Chales, le mando un poco de ánimos saika, aunque no se si funcionen XD

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is trending! Aika, an alien invader, and Conner, the hero chosen to destroy her people. But fate is changed when Conner falls in love with Aika, and he soon realizes her people are slaves to a dark, greater power. So together, these two must save both worlds.

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São as personagens da Saga Aika, a série de livros que escrevo e ilustro em traço de mangá ❤️

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Greetings! My name is Leafy, and this is Conner and Aika, stars of the webcomic I want to make. An alien invader and a hero of Earth who end up falling in love and working to save both their species from killing each other in a bloody war! My work is heavily inspired by Tokusatsu

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A marriage celebrated on TWO planets. Hail King Conner and Queen Aika, the Radiant King and Queen, champions of Death, and Leaders of Vitari Imperium.

Basically the two end up as king and queen, and help lead a planet wide kingdom into a new era of peace and prosperity.

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Humanity and the Vitari were at war with one another. Over time, though, the love between two warriors freed the Vitari, allowing them to become Earth's greatest allies in the galactic battlefield. Conner and Aika, a love story that changed the stars.

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Esta es Maika, un personaje que creé para un trabajo de dibujo artístico en bachiller. Voy a pasar el cómic que tuve que hacer, a formato webtoon, para probar como funciona la app

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Randomized (1) [01/31/23]
tried Holara's new model, Aika, and combined two randomly generated images. Here's the result 😁

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Vou humildemente te sugerir meus livros da Saga Aika, de fantasia com cenas em mangá! A história de uma jovem nipo-brasileira q sofre preconceito e usa os animes/mangás como escape até o dia q ela tem q entrar no mundo de seu herói favorito para salvá-lo! Ele recebeu até prêmio❤️

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Aika, your time to shine.

QRT with your blue art.

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Secret Santa finished for Ama! :D

Yes, a secret santa in January, made offline on a discord server!
I drew her OC Ikaika, looking forward to the future !
Funny fact, I wanted to draw this character for a while ! And lineless training...

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Eu me lembro que quando eu era mais nova eu fiz uma versão com troca de personalidades com o Damien e a Malaika, talvez eu refaça a do Damien que nem eu fiz com esse da Malaika.

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A origem dos Piratas Kid é surpreendente e violenta.

O navio do bando, Victoria Punk, é uma homenagem à melhor amiga de Kid, Victoria S. Doruyanaika, que foi morta por um gângster do South Blue.

"Eu não quero viver em um mundo tão fechado como este!" ─ Eustass Kid

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