I still couldn't figure out, why some people still comparing with Top Gun? Like..c'mon, bro..These 2 movies are in different storylines, messages and terms..Although both exposing the sky fight by their own Air Forces but the whole story from both are different.

11 23

Citer ni best okayyy. I have low expectation tapi bila dah tgk i'm impressed!! That's why org kata lower your expectation & u'll be suprised 😁😁..

8 22

Good movie! Worth ur time lagi2 bulan merdeka ni. Nas-T acting mmg ‘rock’ 👍👍👍

Tajuk tu x payah kot letak the movie huhuhu

1 0

Kalau nak rasa terbang dlm jet mesti la layan Air Force The Movie: Selagi Bernyawa di hall 4DX hanya di GSC. Bersedia untuk berlepas.... 25 Ogos ini! ✈️

10 16