Ship Dump For a Friend
(Credits Below)

6 15

[shizumafu/airiena] ena’s just confused on how mafuyu got such a nice gf

159 768


0 0

The first Project Sekai rarepair of the day is Mizuairiena! (a request by !!)

16 98

My pieces for !! I drew honokana and airiena!!

13 21

hitorimbo envy airiena + miku for 💕

0 2

hello shizumizuairiena nation (2 people)

8 20

🎨: heeeeey, that cheesecake isn’t for you!
🍑: woah, it’s so cuteee!! wait— wait, let me see if I can get a picture…

29 106

Hi this is my first actual sekai fanart so I hope y'all like it!
[ ]

17 35