day 7: free day🍊🫐

413 1966

day 1 : cherry blossom 🌸

653 2845

|| prompt 8 - free day || well that was quite fun! do feel a little bit artistically drained but oh well

15 52

|| prompt 6 - vampire au || I just wanted to draw akito looking pathetic ngl

45 221

day 1: first kiss
whne it's already day 5 but all i've done is thjs😂

11 79

día 1: first date

3 días tarde perooo no importa intentare publicar el día 2 si es que me sale algo o capaz me lo salto no sé aaa

fueron a phoenix wonderland👍👍

10 35

|| prompt 4 - royalty au || don't look too long at the anatomy, I certainly didn't

26 102

|| prompt 3 - hanahaki || I am never trying to fully render again it is NOT worth it xdd

28 131

|| prompt 2- halloween || using what the game gave us because I am the epitome of creativity

14 60

|| prompt 1 - first kiss || could've used better colours but eh :PP

31 163

day 7

in those times where you’ve hit a wall, rely on me more

321 1445