Because I should have made a thread from the start but didn't, here are albums 1-19 in my collection:

1. Sigur Rós - Ágætis Byrjun
2. Colour of Fire - Pearl Necklace
3. Mike Oldfield - Hergest Ridge
4. Ratatat - Ratatat

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Thou Art Lord - The Regal Pulse of Lucifer (2013)

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Anomaly in Effigy - Palace of the Floods (2023)

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"Jera EP" by
Songs about Norse mythology, made by mixing and plenty of brutality and with beautiful melodies, like being hit over the head with an oil painting. Real good stuff 🤟

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"Memories of the Forgotten Victims" by

The description the band made for this is metal af, but too big to fit on Twitter. Check out the link below and give them a listen (and read)!

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"Somewhere Within The Pines" by Anomaly
Brutal / album releasing on Nov 25. One song out so far, and it's awesome: well mixed, great beats and riffs, and monstrous vocals. Looking forward to release!

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"Perpetual Murder" by Prolong Anoxia.
A slam band from released under Rottrevore Records. Good if you're wanting a bit of music in the form of some

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"All That Was Promised" by .
A album that is, frankly, one that I keep booting up again. Currently enjoying 'Iosis'. Very 🤟

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"The Plague Ship" by Ancient Enemy.
A good and heavy with a nice vibe for good measure. Also, the cover art is af.

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"New Dawn" by Remains of Destruction.
An awesome album from sporting powerful vocals, symphonic backing, and awesome melodic

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"Lies That Comfort Me" by Cinis.
that slaps like a pimp. Brutal, heavy, and with a good mix of chugging power chords and artisanal solos.

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6: (this is the last one for the night)
"The Lighthouse (Death Metal)" by Eye of Purgatory (Sweden).
Styled like old-school death metal, it's fast, it's hard, and it lasts for roughly an hour.

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"...of Bards and Madmen" by Lothlöryen, a Finnish band that marries folk metal and melodic death metal. Really well done, deserves its spot on my

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Ήρθε εκείνη η στιγμή, από όλες η πιο τελετουργική και πιο μαγευτική

Burzum - Filosofem (1996)

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Released today 5th September 1987 Motörhead "Rock 'N' Roll"

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Released today 9th August 1986 Motörhead "Orgasmatron"

Album art work from Joe Petagno , the original album title was to be "Ridin' with the Driver" but was changed to"Orgasmatron" at the last minute,but too late to change the album cover

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Ulver - Nattens Madrigal (1997)

A Hymn to the Wolf in Man

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Graveyard - Hisingen Blues (2011)

New Day when beauty's all gone.
And blues follows a lifeless prowl

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