Anakin & Ahsoka: Anakin had a wonderful day planned! He bought roses for Padmé, they have a whole date, and sure he's passing by Obi-Wan to wish him a lovely be-a-hermit-all-alone day, again, but then he sees he's NOT alone, and—

Ahsoka: *surprised pikachu*

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“Singularity concerns that which stands utterly on its own. It cannot be related to anything universal nor even particular. Singularities are elements of a set that do not belong to a set. They ex-ist in themselves: One-all-alone.”

Rik Loose, Beyond (Lack-of) Being

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“We are now dealing with Ones-all-alone, speaking subjects who wish to self-identify according to a certainty which they judge to be intimate. But to do so, they resort to categories of the modern master’s discourse.”

Marie-Hélène Brousse, The Feminine: A Mode of Jouissance

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