a rare catdeer has been spotted, alledgedly playing some goofy vidya game right now!! :O

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Oh yeah, and having 20k+ rabid Netflix She-Ra stans coming at you for a lukewarm tweet about how the alledged 2000 series armor looked better (function and cool wise) than the Netfix design tends to sour you on the series and the fandom.

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Hollow Knight ocs,, the first is a vessel named Juno who takes lifeblood with them and brings it around to different kingdoms, they just like being helpful
and Waul is alledged royalty who is going on a journey of self discovery (and is a bit snooty)

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Not sure what to write, thoughts are too many. How many more times? Over an alledgedly fake 20 Dollarbill?

Worked all day on this, hestitated posting it, now hope I did depict him in a way he & his would aprove.

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along w greg but not like the phins, it's erbie -- based on greg's personality, he's a virtual entity. he alledged to be unable to learn or change, then proceeded to deviate so much from greg's character that he became an entire trickster. he can create LIFE even if he's virtual!

1 2

I was banned by Twitter for alledgely being a bot and made the effort to bypass it so here wo go. 💟

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弊社声優も多数出演のRPG『23/7』、3月15日(木)リリース予定と発表がありましたヽ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ


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Third Time's The Charm!

Save the Date: 
Indigenous Comic-Con 3!
November 2 - 4, 2018

Isleta Resort and Casino
Albuquerque, New Mexico

See you there! 

62 91



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