a comm of the China allegory I designed last year

303 2729

Title: Judge Dredd (2000 AD (1977)

Grade: A

Review: Hell yes! Dredd quoting Asimov as he’s taking down a misbehaving robot! It’s a beautiful thing to read. I must be dipping too hard in the allegory juice but I swear there was a Jesus reference here. Maybe.

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Allegory with a Woman by Luděk Marold, 19th c.

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Paolo Veronese🎨 Allegory of Love.

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Gaetano Gandolfi (31 August 1734 – 20 June 1802) was an Italian painter.Allegory of Justice

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On transness cuz it's trans awareness day;

If I had a pennies for every game I play where a trans character went through a journey of cosmic ascension that was also a trans allegory I'd have two pennies

Which isn't a lot but I'm glad I have these two pennies

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Allegory on the Transitoriness and the Brevity of Life by Karel Dujardin, 1663

68 383

3. her story is the closest allegory to being trans i’ve personally seen in a game

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details, details, details ; I had a lot of fun with this one, inspired by portraits of lords and dutch still lives where every little thing is an allegory for something else.

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Franz Bohumil Doubek (March 20, 1865- October 26, 1952 ) was a Czech painter doubek frantisek bohumil allegory of autumn

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So I'm personally settling on it being a Mode if not a certified Mode Change.

The closest allegory | think, weirdly, is Dukemon Crimson Mode. Both Apollomon and Dukemon are Mega level & achieve their "Mode" via assimilating a digital lifeform (not another Digimon, item etc)

2 39

I want everyone to know this started out as a joke about fishing and then became a Jesus allegory

6 15

Gm! Large Spectrum Scanner Detector.

A mixed media painting I did back in 2021. I had a lot of fun with this type of composition. A centre-positioned portrait might seem lazy but it gives so many possibilities to have fun around it and create an allegory.

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Allegory of Spring : by Nathanael Schmitt (1847–1918)

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