My first Blender Creature. A Tank Bot gal. Need to go back and finish her up.

2 17

Gona try to start making 3d pics like and both of who you should check out. I've got Halo Reach4/5(not really)/and Anni models.

But I have no ideas. What would be cool to see Also can get spartan, Covies and Mass Effect models too.

8 52

We were finally able to play our first Mass Effect DnD Game I want to make 3d pics to go along side the game. Not sure why the first image is so dark. I have like 5 lights.

2 12

I've been working on Blender Models again! But this time I'm actually MAKING SHIT! A Death Worm! A droid! A Thicc Goblin and a Mummy! I'm doing it! I'm really doing it!

5 13