The whole point of American dad is that they’re all terrible but they usually get karma for the terrible things they do but they also have very good moments of Stan being a good dad. I love American dad, it’s my favorite Seth Macfarlene show.

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sometimes people make mistakes. this is one of those times.

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So, on Facebook Roger Smith from won to be drawn as me! Twitter doesn't seem to like me too much with the algorithm. :/

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Sometimes I let the intrusive thoughts win— 😔🤌

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Baku: It's and today we're heading over to one of the many Seth MacFarlane worlds, for Morbo. Now usually i'd do my typical atomic and go, but this time i figured an all around would be better. And boy did those "Whities" ever stretch.

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Francine Smith aka Rock & Roll Sherpa from The Episode My Morning Jacket
Tool: Medibang Paint Pro

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Flat Color Sketch of Francine Smith aka Rock & Roll Sherpa from The Episode My Morning Jacket
Tool: Medibang Paint Pro

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from reimagined as a from cause that's how my brain works.

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accepting no criticism about this one

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Here's Francine from American Dad because y'know what she's kind of fun sometimes.

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Wine moms who can rock a dress, Beth Smith and Francine Smith (no relation)

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This FANGIRLS comic strip was based on last year when a friend showed me a compilation of side characters. They’re honestly more interesting than the main cast. 🤷🏻‍♀️

What I would GIVE for a spin-off featuring Jonah, Rebecca, and pizza bagels!

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