HUNTER on the (Activision 1991)

Ambitious and ahead of its time. Explore a 3D polygon world, drive many vehicles and communicate with other characters,to complete missions. Surprisingly smooth on a typical WHDLoad-capable A1200.

83 387

My choice for best P&C is Darkseed, although I jump between this and Cruise for a Corpse, I love all things Alien and using H. R. Giger artwork as a basis for this game is awesome, it's also scary

2 29

My choice for best game on the has to be Turrican II, played this game so much, was the only game I recorded music to a tape and would bike around hearing the music on my walkman, a classic.

6 53

My choice for best simulation racer on the is I love F1, but Indy 500 is where I spent most of my time, the sheer speed of this game is a miracle on the Amiga

12 80

My choice for best is Elvira Mistress of Darkness, this is a 3D Dungeon Explorer I really like how scary it was, and exploring was great fun.

16 64

My pick for best Platformer on the Amiga is Superfrog, I think tried to create a fantastic game for every genre, they all looked and played fantastic.

9 60

Another classic, loved how this game use to scare me playing at night, manuvering your through the caves and corridors, was really hard though, brutal.

7 44

I rather enjoyed this game on the it was very much like Hostages which I also enjoyed, a 2 player split screen game where you have to infiltrate an over run Alcatraz

5 15

NightBreed was overlooked on the maybe because of the film, but this game not the arcade game was a cross between It Came From the Desert and a miss mash of game ideas.

7 35

This game is a Chaos Engine tribute, but it's way more than that, it was also free with Amiga Format, really fast and has a great soundtrack

4 23

Future Wars was great, not the most remembered of the P&C on the you would travel time periods, future and past trying to solve an ancient mystery

1 14

arcade game, this is a platform one, it has some good animation and sound, it's an enjoyable game.

11 28

One of the best Platformers on the Amiga is Superfrog, I think tried to create a fantastic game for every genre, they all looked and played fantastic.

9 54