# acnl

This was the last image I had sitting around from 2016 of my series. Villy getting rejected from Patty is new to him but otherwise he respects it. No means no people.

I have no way to explain more context in a twitter post, so you're just gonna have to snoop.

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It's a good thing Villy is too immature to be taken seriously though. I'd worry what he'd actually do if he was given that much power.

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Boy Villy sure is a best to Isabelle here. It's amazing how much of a pain he is, but he's hopeing he can get her to lighten up a bit... Take a joke.

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Bob is Villy's best friend. There isn't much that is illegal in animal country, because intoxicating substances are not a problem. That and catnip isn't a drug to anyone else but cats. However the two of them like to get wasted any which way they can.

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