Day 21 of Prompt: Fuzzy

Quack. That’s all my brain can think of right now for a caption…

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Day 19 of Prompt: Loop

I went about making this the worst way possible and I have many regrets. (But I won’t be making that mistake again 😅)

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Day 16 of Prompt: Compass

Beware of paper krakens

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Day 15 of Prompt: Helmet

I had fun with this one. Imagining a sweet little Pangolin guard setup!

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Day 10 of Prompt: Pick

I think I’d go for the doughnut. I really want a doughnut right now.

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Day 07 of Prompt: Fan

It’s unseasonably warm today.

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Day 04 of Prompt: Knot

It’s ok. They’ll sort themselves out eventually.

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Day 03 of Prompt: Vessel

Tiny ghosts need tiny vessels.

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Day 02 of Prompt: Suit

Don’t mind him. That’s Mr business doing business things.

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First week of I went for the drooling prompt, although you can't really see its tongue waggling around 😬 looking forward to seeing everyone's stuff throughout the month :D

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