Mock ups of the Season 3 Blender version of my Spartan, using parts from Anthem. Nothing is final, but, this is the general plan.

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2.0/Next had many interesting aspects to it.

The most fascinating part would've been learning about the Pirates of Bloodwind & the lore surrounding them. These beast masters. Ursix riders & Wyvern tamers.

& his team had wonders planned!

3 15

Given enough time (like other live service games), as well as proper care and attention, would've easily rivalled other LSG's or sat as one of the best in the industry.

Seeing the plans and ambitions of future, it's such a shame it never came to pass!

5 20

2.0 truly looked like it would be a stunning experience under the guide of . While it was extremely disheartening to see it not come to fruition, the pure excitement around the community was exhilarating.

Pirates, Wyvern tamers, new biomes & more...

2 21

Some of my greatest memories in gaming in recent years has been with . It's a title I adore. It's a title that isn't perfect but has provided me and other Freelancers with a unique and special experience.

2 16

Some late night research before bed.

I’ll be the first to admit that I still adore anthem and all it’s characters, and Matti in particular still holds a special place in my (and Raya’s) heart.

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Rip loved it for all its dumb bugs. Enjoy my javelin.

1 10

Can't believe it's been 2 years already for . Without Anthem I wouldn't be here.

I've loved every moment of my time with and there's still many moments to come.

& it's future. I'm very confident we will see Anthem Next.

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I got more of the Sunken Cell🐚

Wait for the boss fight set coming later today😎❤️
Hey Freelancers, which Stronghold you want me to shoot next?😘

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I’ve been blown away by the love for this art series! Here’s Colossus!

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Looking back over the Anthem Next concept art shown to us by I really hope the airships are used during gameplay.

If they're hostile I hope they transport enemy reinforcements in, instead of the "gates" used by Scar and Dominion etc

6 29

Is it time for today's post? Yes it is!

We're here.
We wait.
We believe.

21 121

It would be an absolute spectacle if we were able to see an Arcanist focused settlement/city like the Arcanist Academy here!

Look how stunning this is. Coda has some amazing places within it. Places that the Freelancers would like to visit.

1 10

Anthem has always had breathtaking concept art. Stunning on so many levels. It's always great to see where it started and where it has developed to.

The landscape is stunning but those javelins have come a long way 👀

3 19

This is something I desperately want in Fort Tarsis if they expand the city. I've loved this concept ever since I first saw it.

did an amazing job with this. If a "Hall of Heroes" wasn't added, an alternative with all our javelin designs would be cool.

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