🤦🏻‍♀️How the see Rin. Indeed... how the "antis" want to see Rin: a newborn🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

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Setsuna is fed up and furious with the antiSessRin! Dad agrees with her. and Mom instead try to be diplomatic. Do you agree with

0 5

A reminder to the antisessrin community Naraku knows the emotions & weaknesses of others. When dealing with Sesshomaru Naraku used 2 things: Sesshomaru's thirst 4 Testsusaiga & Rin. Those were his weaknesses nothing else was.

17 66

To every antisessrin who thinks Rin was too young get married just a reminder that all the Disney princesses were married when they were teenagers & some barely knew their prince, Rin got to know Sesshomaru & fell in love with him as an adult.

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Serious talk about something serious while kids play.
Sango is next to Miroku, but mokomoko is on the way 😓

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I just wanted to see them being brothers. Then manga ended. When I heard about the sequel I got my hopes up again...
Ps. He is not asking how much Bakusaiga costs even though it looks like it!

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8 35

In reality Kagura is only physically 17 but is actually a couple months old because that's when Naraku created her. He created Kanna first and into the form of child I might add. Just another case of hypocrisy when Sesshomaru falls 4 adult Rin.

4 20

Haven’t made an meme in awhile

10 34

"But we only support ADULT Rin and Sesshomaru".

Yeah right. This, and other photos like this where Rin is maybeee 6/7 years old is tagged as SessRin.

Proud to be cuz that shit ain't canon. who? who? I don't know her.

3 9

Oops, they forgot to add the one that's tearing theYashahime and Inuyasha fandom apart 😳

Fixed 💀

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The serie "what I expected Inuyasha sequel to be like" continues.
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Image credit to Tmetta on Tumblr:

Inukimi need to whoop his ass. And ass and the creators ass! All ass whooping no charge!

3 24

This child needs saving from you fucking clowns

13 58

you are a lesbian?! that's so cool... 😳👉👈

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