It's disturbing that I don't even have time to make a dumb rough sketch about them, but that's okay, I have my own anti-hunger art commissions.

Artist: @/keixan0089

Commission belongs to me

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"I may not be able to beat you, even if we play a hundred more games. But if I have a chance of beating you the 101st time, I'll challenge you again and again." - Tachibana Hotaru, Aoharu x Kikanjuu

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I drew Kota because he's cute, gentle and reminds me somehow of aoharuXkikanjuu!
(secound eldritch version was my GF who made trying to explain how i draw legs in this position) 🫀

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How do people find their style and keep it?! Everything looks different I'm sobbing.
Anyways have a messy Yukki sketch!

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