[✨] Hi! Mod here!
To celebrate the 2nd anniversary of we want to make the 2nd Art collab! If you want to join, you can read the information ⬇️
We really hope you can participate this year with us! ✨

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Mau nyari temen seperyumean lg UwU . Fandom utamaku di hypmic sama aoppella, Tapi aku terima all fandom ᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ

Drop card/rentrynya aja ya

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Permisi, aku mau nyari moots sesama penyuka aoppella, tapi bagi yang ga masalah aku hype fandom lain juga ...

Drop carrd atau oshinya aja, nanti aku qrt! Oshiku Michitaka and Sayo! <3
*pict Michitaka dan Sayo sebagai pemanis

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// yume, aoppella, future AU

Drawing them when my lecturer reviewing recent assignment TvT)b

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Ekhem- Konnichiwa minna-san! Ini aku Min Asaharu, gambar dibawah ini semuanya gambarku (kaget gak?)
Aku mau cari mutualan aoppella, stans siapa aja, fandomku juga random, like aja nanti langsung ku follback -🐕

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