Applejack: *hugs Applebloom* It’s okay, Applebloom.

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Lachlan: I’m sorry about your mom and dad, Applebloom...

*he apologises to Applebloom about her parents every time he sees her*

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Lachlan: *goes to the rocks and finds something amazing* Applebloom... check this out...!

Applebloom: *walks over to Lachlan to see what he found*

*it was a mermaid that was singing the tune!*

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Lachlan: Shh! Applebloom... do you hear that...? *they hear the sad tune again, but it was louder... that means they’re really close by* The tune!

Applebloom: We must be getting close to finding out where it’s coming from!

*the two kids find a beautiful stream in the caverns*

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Commissioned adult Applebloom.

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So since last week I made a quick sketch of Applejack,
this week I wanted to stay in similar themes, with a little illustration of Applebloom.

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You can get a print of this here:

This was a bit of a random idea, I had the topic "Super!" and decided to combine it with Applebloom.
Magical girls count as "Super!" right?

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Finally got Fluttershy done.:) I heard you were working her vs. Applebloom. man.:)

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Good afternoon everypony as promised from yesterday, today will be pictures of Applebloom. Enjoy ^_^

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Good morning everypony as promised from yesterday, today will be pictures of Applebloom. Enjoy ^_^

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Good morning everypony as promised from yesterday, today will be pictures of Applebloom. Enjoy ^_^

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Alright everypony tomorrow will be Vinyl Scratch, but today will be pictures of Applebloom. Enjoy ^_^

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