Willow is doooone!!! 🕷️🕷️♥️♥️

Only one more shawty left!! 🤭🤭🤭🤭

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The spiderlings love him, and so does he~ Since Igor's incapable of having children of his own, he treats these cuties as if they were his own ♥️🕷️

As for where they came from, I couldn't tell you. They kinda just popped up.

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Now— when it comes to Willow, Igor's trusty lab assistant/loving wife, she isn't really as erratic or unpredictable… unlike her husband, hehe

She's more level headed and tries her best to get her husband out of dangerous situations~

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I gender bent Igor and Willow, I have no regrets

They came out nice tho 🤭

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"Ig'...I thought "older brothers" we're supposed to be mature and responsible."

"I am responsible!"

"Igor. You literally have "5 stars" in every other state, but five."

"Oi', Niko, you worry too much~"

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Made a reference sheet for Scarlet Valentine in her human form 🤭

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"Judgin' by our change in appearance's....I have a strong feeling on w'ehh we are.."

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Meet Moloch "Lone" Bane, the first born of Satan and Elena! Being the leader of the "Anti-Angels", he spends most of his nights, ironically enough, slaying many unfortunate Archangels who happen to stumble upon his ring. The 8th ring.

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Meet Dr. Igor N. Everdale and his quiet but helpful assistant, Mrs. Willow Walckenaer! The imps of Auda City can't stand these two, neither can Satan himself, hehe 🤭🤭🤭

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