Les traigo como actualización a los protagonistas en Overworld uwu
Así veras a Tamaro y Almendra durante toda su aventura por Arial.

4 5

I learned from my last tweet is SOO many people are unaware of the massive biodiversity of Nepal. From the Himalayas to the Terai, Nepal has 208 mammal spp, 867 birds, 123 reptiles & more.

Elephants, Rhino, Tiger, HYENAS, Snow Leopard, Sarus Crane, Red Panda, GHARIAL. Magical!

59 397

Vaya, vaya, vaya... Vaya!

Entre 5 y 6 horas para hacer esto jajajajajaja
Y cada vez que se mueve lo conforma 5 imágenes, me cago en todo, Pero está chida la Arial.

Ahora solo falta 3 versiones y 4 poses de esas versiones junto a la que está aquí.


4 19

She's taking some time to be confident and find admiration for herself, a practice many of her peers would find adversarial. Fortunately she finds little struggle in the matter.

2 17

Spent the evening drawing a punked up Arial. Is Arial the most trans of all the Disney princesses?

0 13

it was between comic sans and arial.

...i think arial would've been funnier. next time.

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It's time for the next installment of Ask Arial. If you have any burning questions for her, leave them below and she will answer the best ones at the end of the next chapter of Downtown Dungeon.

6 28

Late again! Another one for This time it’s a Güiro for G, being played by a Gharial. I love their long snouts!

14 50

Favorite it's gotta be.... So satisfying to land and when you lowprofile a swordies Arial... Mwah

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I have hacked the mainframe! (actually I reset my password...)

Anyhow, new drawing time! This was a bish to draw. I struggled with hair and deciding on an outfit. So, this is Arial. She's a harpie demon and she's 19, right is her with her natural hair colour.

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Con Pixarprinting también imprimí mi roll-up pero en cambio juraría que mi lona fue de @/Exaprint_es
Exaprint también tiene una calidad buenísima y mejor trato al cliente porque está más dirigida a un ámbito empresarial. Por todo ello, sus precios también son más caros.

2 15

Decided to make a fan relative for sans and paps
like what and did
so without further ado, I would like you to meet

Grandma Arial.

(also I call her a "Skele"tive &
she'd be slightly shorter than say for example semi)

0 5

Feliz dia de la Mujer!

Pero nunca lo podremos celebrar al 100% mientras exista semejante despropósito que tenemos con la diferencia social, cultural, salarial... TODO, en detrimento de todas vosotras.
Quiero pensar que algun dia cambiará.


9 18

here is my terrible reporter boy arial....... he has no journalistic integrity and thinks its both sexy and cool to join a heist just so that u can write abt it before ur rival can

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1. Be prepared.
2. Be engaged.
3. Thank the DM for their adventure effort.

1. Create a welcoming environment.
2. Be a good listener.
3. Never be adversarial.

Art: Taylor Christensen

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The most font is the antialiased screen font (not printed), sans serif - Second best is also sans serif.

Without anti-aliasing, the best to read font is serif.


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Even worse, it’s Arial. Look at the top of the lowercase T

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if ya'll know you'd most likely know her OC, Arial. xD

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Fran meets Arial... De no vino como realmente quise porque mi mano está rota pero lo intente :'D prometo que el próximo será mejor :'D

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Looks like someone's getting a nice little visit from that friendly tall alien, Aarial.
Shame they didn't think of his visit sooner.

Fulrez -- https://t.co/Vs9NI4QHAz

Original Daily Drawing Upload -- https://t.co/EFLhP0a3xb
Patreon -- https://t.co/PndqOrQwzw

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