Happy 37th birthday to Marie Miyake, the seiyuu for Nana Abe!

Fun fact: Marietti is an avid Idolmaster fan, and plays most of the games herself! She is a HayatoP (SideM) and a MakotoP (765)!

Have an amazing day, Marietti! Wish her a happy birthday at her Twitter: 🎁

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Una delle primissime date di 💥

Caterina Marietti ed io faremo una chiacchierata e dopo un po’ di firmacopie. Poi si va a dormire, oppure mi getto nell’idroscalo di Segrate, per rinfrescarmi un po’ (se volete venire con me fate pure eh).

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2010 The Secret World of Arrietty
Kari-gurashi no Arietti
Director Hiromasa Yonebayashi
screenplay: Mary Norton(novel "The Borrowers")Hayao Miyazaki(screenplay)Keiko Niwa(screenplay)

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Molti si ricorderanno certamente dei calendarietti profumati che i barbieri regalavano ai clienti per le Feste dell'anno nuovo.
Erano molto ambiti,e quelli più contesi erano illustrati con ragazze procaci,pin-up ammiccanti e sorridenti.

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cheers to my favorite studio ghibli movie 🌱
karigurashi no arietti 💖 arrietty the cutest of all

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Once I drew my favorite male characters, so now decided to remember female ones - there are even more of them 💃
Miyazaki's cartoon heroines always adorable and inspiring

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Kari-gurashi no Arietti

Arrietty e sua família são seres pequenos, moram sob uma casa antiga e sobrevivem roubando itens da casa dos humanos e colocando a culpa em gatos e ratos. Quando o jovem Shawn se hospeda na casa, fica amigo de Arrietty, colocando o segredo em risco

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Kari-gurashi no Arietti

Arrietty e sua família são seres pequenos, moram sob uma casa antiga e sobrevivem roubando itens da casa dos humanos e colocando a culpa em gatos e ratos. Quando o jovem Shawn se hospeda na casa, fica amigo de Arrietty, colocando o segredo em risco

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I am SO happy with this Nana I commissioned from 🥺 shes got the AZ flag bc I'll never forget Marietti coming there 💝

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first of 4 Nana commissions I'm getting done as a follow up to my taiyoucon project 🥰 this ones by !!! she's holding the little bunny plush I gave Marietti 🥺💓

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Commissioned to bring my girl, Arietti, to life. [Throws all my love and thanks at you] Ugh I'm gonna cry; she's so incredibly gorgeous!💜

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Backgrounds from The Secret World of Arrietty (Kari-gurashi no Arietti, 2010, Studio Ghibli) :

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