Gaster blasters don't exist in the as there isn't a Gaster. Ark and Nrr's ability to touch a weapon and be able to utilize it has meant that Purple, Nrr's soulmate (who does have blasters of his own) provided the ability to create.. their own.

1 21

Well, hello, Ark, how are you?
Ark: I am well, appreciate the inquiry. Please feel free to inquire upon my person while I remain upon this arboreal seat.

3 21

Unlike Tch, who just *wants* some armor, these two Guards actually have training in fighting in the stuff. It's rare they have to don it, though. (and Nrr is obsessed with knights)
Ark, Nrr and Purple

3 31

Lunchtime Ark doodle. Just because I wanted to. lol.
Don't tell him stupid missions given by stupid people. XD

2 23

Soul time is messy. But when the one you love gives you such a show, you have to pause the round to appreciate such a gift. Also, Ark totally bit it afterwards. Now, it's definitely his.

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Ark's been off universe, visiting a UT/Monster Hunter crossover AU, and his docent, Bard.. has caught more of Ark's light than the beautiful Isle's scenery. Based off an RP scene.

3 18

This is a rarity, what's got you grinning, Ark?
Ark: The first time I used my magic in front of Nrr, he was so shocked he tripped over his tail and fell over. I still laugh thinking about it.

3 16

Series: Powersets - Ark
Nrr tends to go for range, but Ark is a closeup fighter. Also weapon summoner. However, Ark is the second most powerful in the entire AU, and can maintain barriers, multiweapons and his scythe with little magic issue.

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