The armor bird Pokemon, Skarmory! I love both Skarmory's normal and shiny forms. I like to imagine they also lay metallic eggs!

Watercolor, 9X12 inches.

OriginaI painting Iink below!

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Skarmory's armor digivolution looks incredible!

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Harrison Armory's small yet formidable mech enters the battlefield. This is a commission I got for A Napoleon is the shape of a pangolin. This was super fun a new experience for me.

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Skarmory's Gijinka. I was trying something new (?).

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The Weel continues with the Paladin Chest Armor! Protect yo' breast!

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Legendary Saturday has a SHOCKING weapon for you! 's Lt. Surge is ready to smack some heads!

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The Legendary Saturday! This time with 's Denzik's Dragon Warrior Helmet!

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