This weeks art is titled "The Paranoia Of Sincerity" by George J Harding

Please share your works inspired by the art &/or prompt words:

Milieu | Alleviate | Twinge | Vital | Essence | Strata

8 23

The weeks art is from Penn State Laureate Bill Doan's "The Anxiety Project"

Please share your works inspired by the art &/or prompt words:

Truth | Projection | Culmination | Anatomy | Splatter | Stumble

9 29

📸Sharmelon Murugiah
A journey through,
"If things ever feel better"
depression fights with
self- worth
It's a battle of,
"me finding hope within sunshine?"
relapse struggles with, "am I okay?"
scars tell me, "I'm still here,
at the end of the day "

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