Gonna be uploading a few of my favorite pieces from this years The character is JoanOfArt’s Nidaba!

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Forgot to post it here, my last attack for ’s Bean! 💖

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Here's my submission for the art competition! I wasn't going to enter at first, but since I improved my art skills through participating in I fancied a challenge. I had a blast drawing Samson and I love the end result!

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Thank you ,shankeybo1, and for the surprise attack on I'm looking forward to next year.
O'Neil belongs to .
Picca-Boo belongs to .
Ice Cream Taco man belongs to shankeybo1 on (artfight)
Purple Haze belongs to me.

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So anyways I did a thing for during he has such good characters!!! 🐀

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some stuff for artfight2020, charas belong to fluffyfish13, , and Northiree

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Last drawing for a revenge attack on the wonderful 💕

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I have been slowly getting back into drawing, I have been mostly doing there is only a few more days left and I still want to get through most of the characters I want to draw still

here are the last two I have done and for ranchysauce over on Deviantart

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Two more Cat Edition! Getting towards the end....

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Segundo artacazo en para la yuan-ti que sueña con comerse a su dios. 💛🐍🍖(Oc de: )

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Artfight attack on 's Compass! 🦈🦈🦈


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as a slight respite from drawing other people's characters for here's my character from the Dungeon Dive Bar podcast! Planning to make this part of a larger piece eventually, so keep an eye out for that

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Finaly done!!! Since i have plained to do a art for i made all in one XD (Attack, Friend Fire and some revenge >:3)

PS: Stage music for this stage 🎵

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Attack on DeadFantasies's character "Nine"! Was fun ofc.


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