BEFORE AND AFTER, NEW LOGO DESIGN. I wanted to change it to better suit how I recently designed my oc, and ngl I love how it turned out, I also fixed the hiragana-

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It's my OC mad hatter OwO

Even tho I call him mad hatter he hardly ever wears a hat XD

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Feels great to be back with some new art + testing out cool new brushes!

Art Trade with of his OC Marly, thank you for doing this art trade with me! <3 ✨💕🌈

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Alg0r1thm is trolling my growth, I am still long on the road to 10K-




Heyo! Comment down below if you want to be artmoots with a sparkly anime artist + LIKE & RT so this reaches more! 😳🌈✨

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