Sorry for the hiatus guys and girls, I had a lot on my plate :) here is a knight to make up for lost time ^^

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Ima idk what to draw
I can't wait till ima gona buy new stilus

5 23

hey ima not posting for 2 or more days im on break of drawing:/ and tired but i don't think what it helps me..maybe im just need to draw more moore and more

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I'm an and I draw buff monster ppl, werewolves, furries, demons, and occasionally clown cats! c:

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มาแล้วค้าบบบ octoprompt week 3 ส่งไม่เลทเพราะต้องปั่นวีคสี่ต่อ มีเวลาไม่มาก แต่สู้ยิบตาคับ😬🤧

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Finaly made an OC ref for my oc! He goes by the name June. An for thoose interested (probably no one lmao) in lore i will make a thread talking about his story

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