(1847 – 1917), born in was known for his dark of coastlines & landscapes.

“The should fear to become the slave of detail”

On display at The

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Pierre-Auguste Renoir (French artist) "You don't talk about paintings, you look at them." _ "Resimler hakkında konuşmayın, onları seyredin." https://t.co/XEPJzXtqbf

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RIP Edgar Degas (French impressionist artist) “Painting is easy when you don't know how, but very difficult when you do.” https://t.co/qbBrLNihin

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Need a little creative

Check out these motivational quotes by himself ⬇️


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Quote from the interview with we discuss social media 👌✨ good practice and also some bad experiences. So head over to YouTube to learn more 😊 https://t.co/gy8SEQJZIT
If you want to listen on the go you can download the episode on your podcast player

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“Never lose passion for drawing” 👏 Quote from the interview with awesome , a digital artist, illustrator and game developer, currently working with indie gaming studio. Watch 🎥 or listen 🎧 https://t.co/DglRSrilWf

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Quote from the interview with an artist, educator, and curator from Brooklyn. His work has been featured in ImagineFX. He teaches figure drawing Bootcamp and intro Illustration course at Smart School Watch/listen at 🎥🎤 https://t.co/bSRgnFS9Fc

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Take a moment to think about your artwork and how you make it before you start - it will help you get better! Quote from the interview with Watch or listen https://t.co/BU0NqRNZVB

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There will be always somebody who appreciates your art! 👌 Quote and selection of artworks by our current guest Among many awesome tips we talk about inspiration and how to deal with art block! https://t.co/LkFD7Rkkn9

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Don’t worry about your art style, create a lot of art, experiment, study other artists and it will come to you! 👌Quote from the interview with awesome 🤗! Watch it at https://t.co/HtgXV0Wnl3

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