Close-up from yesterday's prompt of everyone's favorite gorgon maid, Dusa! From 's Hades. Love this game.

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Some Scrimshaw art for Back during simpler, happier times. Before ghosts and cursed hands got in the way.

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wraps up this weekend, and I’m sad to see it leave Broadway. I never expected this musical to impact me the way it has over the past few years. Hoping to make something new before the weekend ends, but here’s some old art.

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The mid-season finale for just premiered! You can watch "The Catacombs Below" now on the Angel Studios app. Here are some old rough boards I did for the emotional squeeblin scene. One of my favorites.

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Episode 2 of has premiered! You can watch "A Mysterious Map" now on YouTube and the Angel Studios app. Here are some rough boards I did last year for the map discovery scene. Heavily inspired by Spielberg films.

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officially premiered last week, so here are some boards I did for "Leeli &the Dragon Song" last year. The first scene I worked on was a moment where Nia visits a grieving friend impacted by the Fangs' presence.

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Finally started . It’s quickly becoming one of my favorites and is impeccable in it. So here’s a quick McGill.

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Day 2-Candle

Had to move this past week, so I couldn’t keep up with these prompts. Going to be going about them at my own pace.

Prompt list by

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“Bloody Rare”

Another practice board. It’s a bit… redder than what I normally do.

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Storyboard practice, but mostly just me experimenting with SBP tools I don’t usually work with.

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Another rough Beetle. Not a fan of this one, but you gotta try different things to see what works and what doesn’t. As is life.

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