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170 1314

i love my sister ashe so much, this is gonna be my offline screen / ending screen for a LONG while

0 38


25 304

UGH had to repost bc twitter yeeted my txt but YEAH day 20 of is a made up situation combining "blanket" and "found family" where annie and ashe offer support for sylvie post-conand tower ;w;

196 724

[pokemon x league of legends]
turning all champions into pokemon!

ashe as decidueye https://t.co/Cocr8y7Zma

171 1090

Happy Birthday Petra!! Ashe and Dorothea both have a surprise for you

616 2403

I added the honorable mentions: Shez x Byleth, and Dedue x Ashe, to this wave! Thank you for requesting such cute couplings 🥹

114 397

Start where you are.
Use what you have
Do what you can. 💦🐠🐬

🎀 Arthur Ashe 📚 ✧・゚: *✧・゚

Art: Shannon Maer. 🖌🧜‍♀️

39 69