Coping with FFXIV being down by drawing fanart of the best boy.

Also I drew this on a base I might use for comms down the road, so keep an eye out 👀

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It’s ya boi in a throwback outfit that I’ve now decided was designed by Cain 😌 Asher keeps it around for especially cleric-y occasions.

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We out here leanin hard into the vibes because my own style was a struggle today 😂 So here is vampire!Asher for

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I got this amazing sketch commission done by , and he was kind enough to allow me to use it for coloring practice too! 🥺 I’m legit in love with this, he did SUCH a good job with my boyyyy

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Been making wanted posters for my D&D pirate crew 🥺 Two down, three to go! I’ll add to this thread as I finish them

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“Maybe my lips never said the words
But I’m sure my eyes told you
I loved you again and again”

It’s almost sappy season, boys, let’s goooo. Just wanted to draw something focused on the expression, not the pose (and got lost in my feelings a bit along the way)

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Yes I am still entertaining a Naruto AU in 2020 WHAT OF IT

So anyway idk I’m just really fuckin proud of this bro 😭 I love these OCs so muchhh

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This is officially the best thing I’ve ever made. I can retire from art now 😌💕 (For best results, enjoy to the tune of Brandy You’re a Fine Girl and/or Beyond the Sea)

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Do you guys like seeing WIPs? Or should I stick to finished pieces? 🤔

Accidentally gave myself feels for these two listening to “Brandy (You’re a Fine Girl),” so here we are working on a big piece of them.

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Could...could I get a doodle of this bisexual disaster man, Asher 🥺👉👈 There’s lots more refs on IG under

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Ok so I finished this a few days ago but then I got super self-conscious about the arm looking off so I deleted it but fuck it I’m not going through the effort of fixing it, so just...just take it as is please ty.

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A soft boy for the “Free Day” prompt 😌 We’re so close to the end!

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Prompt 27 was “fanfiction trope,” so I shoved together a cafe/coffee shop AU with a self-insert annnnd here we are

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Prompt 26: injured/after a fight. Featuring the AU squad after a formative mission.

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Prompt 24: Fanservice! One fancy boi, at your service~ ✨

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This is now 2 days late sorry! This was for prompt 22, Tarot Card. A friend suggested the Tower Card (bc of the lightning but also bc Asher is a disaster), so I had that in mind for this.

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Day 18: Favorite Hobby. Asher loves his music! I just really wanted to imagine him vibing ✨😌✨

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Prompt 17: With a Pet! Featuring one of the rescue animals Dennis seems to constantly be finding and bringing home.

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Prompt 15: “In Another Artist’s Style,” featuring ’s gorgeous, shiny, fluffy style :’) I adore the way she draws him!! So it was an obvious choice, really. (PS we halfway through boooiiis!!)

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